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Warwickshire County Council
Warwickshire County Council

Children and families

Welcome to the Children and Families section of the Learning and Development Catalogue. 

This catalogue will detail the exciting and varied opportunities on offer to enable you to enhance your practice, develop your career and ultimately improve outcomes for children and families in Warwickshire.

We are committed to being the best we can be, and to creating a learning organisation. Individual and group learning is therefore an essential part of our roles. We want to invest in you, enabling you to grow and develop your restorative mindset. All learning is about understanding relationships. 

Induction/New to Warwickshire (0 to 3 months) 

As part of your Induction to Warwickshire County Council, please also refer to the relevant section of this catalogue which details the requirements. In this section of the catalogue, you will find the programmes you need to undertake as part of your induction into the service. If you are a newly qualified social worker, you should also look at the ASYE section.


This section contains the MOSAIC eLearning modules you need to undertake. Please speak to your line manager so they can prioritise the completion of the relevant modules for your role. 


This section details the learning offer for Newly Qualified Social Workers on their Assessed and Supported Year in Employment.

Foundation (3 months and over) 

Foundation learning and development is the learning you should aim to undertake within your first two years of practice. These learning programmes will give you the core knowledge and skills to carry out your role effectively. Some programmes are only relevant for certain job roles so check the programme is applicable for your role before you book your place. You should discuss with your line manager the order in which you need to undertake the programmes. 

Advanced practitioners and experienced staff 

This section contains the development offer for experienced staff. 

Refresher programmes 

Any programmes you need to undertake to refresh your knowledge and skills will be detailed in this section. 

Practitioners Continuing Professional Development

This showcases our additional offer to IROs and further university study.

Resources for practice educators

Practice educators have a vital role to play in developing the social work workforce of the future. This page contains resources to help support them in their role. 


Although there are a wide variety of management and leadership programmes ran corporately as detailed in this catalogue, there are also sometimes programmes specifically aimed at Children and Families managers which you will find in this section. 

Online resources 

To complement other methods of learning, Children and Families invest in the provision of additional online resources to support you to learn and enhance your knowledge.   

If you have any queries on learning and development within Children and Families, please contact: