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Warwickshire County Council
Warwickshire County Council

Leadership and management

This is the leadership and management section where you can find further support to help you develop as a manager plus support to assist you with managing your team.

As part of the corporate offer various levels of knowledge, skills and abilities are required for different roles, so we have a range of development options aligned to specific management tiers.

Tiers 1-3 (Our Senior Leaders)

  • Personal Leadership Programme (LD032) - sets out our culture of leadership at a Senior Level
  • Senior Leadership Forum (SLF) - Skills to Thrive Bite size 1-hour sessions (Developmental sessions at SLF)

Tier 4 (Next Management level)

  • Tier 4 Skills to Thrive Bite size 1-hour sessions (these sessions mirror the SLF sessions, so the same message is cascaded down)

Tier 4/5

  • Leading for Warwickshire LD034 - sets out our culture of leadership across the organisation. Middle level of management
  • Step up to Management LD033 - for new Managers, Team Leaders, Supervisors or Aspiring Managers

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